Telomere Tweaks Reverse Aging in Mice

By tweaking enzymes that prevent chromosome tips from unraveling, researchers have shown age-related tissue degeneration can be reversed in some mice.

Medical breakthroughs involving mice must be taken with rock-sized grains of salt because, despite their genetic similarity, the rodents aren’t humans. The latest findings, published online by the journal Nature on November 28, are no exception. Nevertheless, they provide the first compelling evidence of aging’s reversal — not just delay — in a high-level organism.

The work represents an “unprecedented reversal of age-related decline in the central nervous system and other organs vital to adult mammalian health,” wrote the team led by Ronald DePinho, a cancer geneticist at Harvard Medical School.

Image: Fluorescent markers signify enzyme activation in the tips of telomeres./Nature.

via Telomere Tweaks Reverse Aging in Mice | Wired Science |

One thought on “Telomere Tweaks Reverse Aging in Mice

  1. There is really no need for genetic engineerin­g to activate telomerase as was done in the Depinho mouse model. There is about 20 years of research on Telomere activation­. There are two receptors for estrogen on the TERT gene which controls this process. Whether you happen to be a human being or a mouse, the best way to increase telomerase activity, lengthen the telomeres and reverse aging is with the human bioidentic­­al hormone, 17-Beta-Es­­tradiol, also known as estrogen. In 1999, Kyo demonstrat­­ed that 17-Beta-Es­­tradiol activates telomerase via direct and indirect effects on the hTERT promoter region. This was confirmed in 2000 by Silvia Misiti and again in 2009 by Rodrigo T. Calado from the NIH.

    A recent December 2010 study from Imanishi from Japan showed that 17-Beta-Es­­tradiol (estrogen) augments telomerase activity, thereby accelerati­­ng recovery after injury and reducing the effects of aging (reducing senescence­­).

    Natural substances such as resveratrol, gingko and silymarin also activate telomeres.

    For more see:

    regards, jeffrey dach md

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