Fantastic animation that visualizes physiology of the body

This is a wonderful biomedical animation, which seems was created to explain physiology and disease processes to patients and to health professionals. Thanks to Al Fin for finding this animation.

I wonder if in future we can have the HealthTube equivalent of YouTube, where one can watch thousands of animations such as this to understand how biological systems work.

16 thoughts on “Fantastic animation that visualizes physiology of the body

  1. Alemu Bedane

    It is so wouderful to see such an exciting and life giving animations. I want to share this with my students in Meki Catholic School.
    Thank you very much.

  2. Pingback: Technut News » Our Technological Future - Mixed Bag #16

  3. Dauda Abdullahi

    I can not but confess that this is an excellent clinico-anatomical animation that inevitably, drive one to the edge of his sit/chair. All I long for is rather this … where and how can I get access to this related animations. I’m very much ready to buy similar clips.

  4. Dauda Abdullahi

    I can not but confess that this is an exciting anatomical animation. It inevitably drives one to the edge of his/her chair. Please where and how can I get access to this type of clips. I’m really, really ready to buy.

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